Kindle Unlimited 12-Month Subscription

Kindle Unlimited 12-month Subscription grants you availability of over a million Kindle books, or e-books altogether. You can read as many books from the Kindle Unlimited collection as you like after paying a fee. There is an Audible narration. The audible narration allows hundreds of Kindle Unlimited publications in voice. You will find a small headphones symbol on Amazon.

Amazon is celebrating 10th anniversary of Kindle Unlimited. You can have access to many books and comicson Kindle Unlimited subscription. You will get audiobooks as well from there. You can also get periodicals on your Kindle device. You can get it with a little monthly fee. As a new or existing member, you may save a lot of money on a membership.

Can You Buy Kindle for a Year?

You cannot buy Kindle for a year. It is not one-time buying decisions. Monthly fees apply to Kindle Unlimited. It is a membership service that grants access to many book collections. Kindle Unlimited does not provide membership option for a year. You can purchase a subscription for an entire year by subscribing for every month.

You may visit the gift page to share your Kindle Unlimited subscription with another person. In this way, you can share unrestricted ebook access as an ideal present. Gift subscriptions for six, twelve, and twenty-four months are available. There are different subscriptions for Kindle Unlimited. The price of Kindle Unlimited are $9.99 per month and $119.98 annually. Amazon Prime membership includes Prime Reading. Prime Reading cost is monthly $12.99 and annually $119.

What is the Cheapest Kindle Unlimited Plan?

The cheapest Kindle Unlimited plan costs $11.99 a month.

Is Kindle Unlimited Worth it in 2024?

Kindle Unlimited 12-month subscription will be available to you for $119.90. This cost is down from $143.88. New members may also join for just $11.99 for three months. The original cost for this plan was $35.97.

Is There a monthly Limit for Kindle Unlimited?

Yes, there is a monthly limit to get books from Kindle Unlimited. You can 20 books at a time from collection of millions of books. When you have reached the limit of 20 books, you have to give back at least on book. After that you can get another book. Kindle Unlimited also includes magazine memberships.

Can I Keep Kindle Unlimited Books After Cancelling?

No, you are not allowed keep Kindle Unlimited books after cancelling your subscription. Any books that are left on your devices will be deleted after you cancel. They will be removed from your Kindle. These books will also be removed from your online library when you connect to the internet.

Is There a Max on Kindle Unlimited?

There is a maximum limit of number of books you may check out at a time from Kindle Unlimited. You can only hold 20 books. Once you have reached this limit, you have to submit one book back to get a new one.

Do Author Make Money from Kindle Unlimited?

Kindle Unlimited allows you to make money as an author. The author makes more money as the pages they read.  You can earn an aggregate of 3,000 Kindle Edition Normalized Pages (KENP) for each title and client. Your account can get reward for up to 3,000 pages every time your Kindle eBook is checked out and read.

Authors are compensated according to how many pages Kindle Unlimited subscribers read. The authors can get about $0.004 every page. According to the amount granted to the Kindle Unlimited pool, the total payment may change every month. Some authors can earn a livelihood, especially if their publications have a high page count.

To get compensated, authors need to:

  • Sign up for KDP
  • Select Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) program.
  • Limit eBook to Kindle only.
  • Observe KDP’s guidelines.

KENPC (Kindle Edition Normalized Page Count) is the name of the payment mechanism.

The payment allocation is determined by a number of variables, such as:

  • The exchange rates
  • Reading habits of customers

Is Kindle Unlimited Free for Prime Member?

No, Amazon Prime members do not get free access to Kindle Unlimited. Members of the unique Kindle Unlimited subscription may access many books.

You can get over 4 million books, including:

  • electronic books
  • audiobooks
  • comic books
  • periodicals

Prime Reading is a fantastic perk of Amazon Prime subscription. You can get hundreds of titles.

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